Helping to make life 'calmer, easier and happier' for parents, teachers and children everywhere
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Calmer, Easier, Happier Screen Time

Calmer, Easier, Happier Screen Time

Calmer, Easier, Happier Screen Time
Half-Term Tips

CEHP Half-Term Tips

Half-Term Tips video
Descriptive Praise

Descriptive Praise: The Greatest Motivator

Descriptive Praise
Raising girls

What are some of the key issues should you consider when raising girls? How do you encourage your daughter to take physical risks or deal with friendships. In what ways can you limit media and also use research so that you do not fall into the trap of labelling your daughters in ways that are out of step with who they want them to be? Listen to this podcast as Noël explores how parents can guide girls to become all that they can be.

Noël Janis-Norton Podcast
Raising boys

How do you encourage your son to be his best self? In what ways do you need to consider the expectations you have of boys? Discover the benefits of same-gender role models for your son. Find out how to appreciate the differences between your sons and your daughters, and how to respond to those differences. In this podcast Noël talks about the challenges of raising boys, and explains how you can bring out the best in your sons.

Noël Janis-Norton Podcast
How to have a Merrier Christmas Holiday
11 Top Tips to help you stay in charge during the winter festivities

No matter what your family’s cultural or religious traditions, I always recommend parents start thinking about and planning for the school Christmas holidays at least a month in advance

By starting early, and by using some of my top tips, you can make the school holiday this festive season a calmer, easier, and happier experience for your whole family.

Don’t keep reminding. Instead, do think-throughs!
How to get more cooperation from your children and teens

We’ve all been there: You remind and remind and remind your children and teens about something they need to do. They look as if they’re listening. But the reality is that they probably haven’t listened to much of what you said. And when that happens you’re likely to be left feeling frustrated, exasperated, or even furious.

Instead, learn about how to put into practice think-throughs.

Think-throughs are a unique and radical strategy that you can use to teach and train your children and even your teens the habit of cooperating the first time they’re told.

Becoming a ‘Calmer, Easier, Happier’ United Front

Family life can be very stressful if you and your partner aren’t being a United Front. Perhaps you’re:

  • feeling frustrated that your partner seems to have a different set of rules and standards about how to bring up your children
  • disheartened about resolving your parenting problems
  • worried that your partner will blame you for causing the problems in the first place
  • blaming yourself

Instead of the above, learn how you and your partner can become united in your approach to parenting...

6 Summer Holidays Survival Tips

The school holidays can seem to last an awfully long time when you've got restless or squabbling children at home. Here are our top tips for keeping your children and teens happily occupied over the summer break...

Summer Holidays Can Lead to School Success

Help your children achieve their academic potential

  • Make a short list of the basic academic skills that you have noticed your children need to improve.
  • To help children learn to tackle schoolwork and homework independently, start by training them to play independently.
  • Limit screen time to one hour a day (a half-hour a day if under aged eight) to give children the opportunity to develop other, more intellectually challenging pastimes.....
The Never Ask Twice Method for Achieving the Habit of Cooperation

There are many times every day when our children are not doing anything wrong, but we have one eye on the clock so we want them to move on from what they are doing in order to start doing the next thing on our agenda.

We would like our children to respond as soon as we give an instruction, but often they’re so absorbed in what they’re doing that they barely seem to hear us. And even when they do hear, they don’t want to stop playing....

Special Time: A fun and powerful strategy to help you transform the sibling relationships in your family

You may have heard the saying, ‘Children spell love T-I-M-E’.

Giving our children the gift of our focused, unhurried time provides them, and ourselves, with profound benefits. The benefits increase when we give the gift of our undivided attention to each of our children individually, with no other siblings in sight. The dynamic that this creates is very different from when we spend time together as a family, as important as that certainly is. Parents often tell me how much they enjoy spending time with each of their children separately because that annoying undercurrent of sibling competitiveness and bickering isn’t happening. But parents may not realise that this one-on-one time is something that children and teens need and crave and thrive on.

Noël calls this parenting strategy Special Time.

Read on to discover how this radically transformative strategy can help you to enjoy your children more; help your children to like each other more; create lasting positive memories; increase your children’s confidence, skills, and self-reliance - and much more besides….

Calmer, Easier, Happier Screen Time: An Overview

Are you worried that your children or teens are spending too much time in front of screens? You may have tried unsuccessfully in the past to curb screen time. Don’t give up. You don’t have to accept that this is just the way life is nowadays. Getting back in charge of the screens in your home may feel impossible or not worth the hassle...

Calmer, Easier, Happier Screen Time:
Twenty Top Tips for Getting Back in Charge

Twenty tips, tools and techniques excerpted from the book ‘Calmer, Easier, Happier Screen Time’ by Noel Janis-Norton. Each of these suggestions is explained in more detail in this book.

Sibling Rivalry - Part One

Why siblings squabble, compete with each other, annoy each other on purpose - and often make you want to leave them at the zoo!

This article is the first in a series about sibling rivalry. In these articles Noël explains all about sibling rivalry, and what you can do to significantly improve how your children interact with one another.

Noël’s approach and strategies will help you to guide your children to become more tolerant of each other, more patient with each other, and more friendly - most of the time! You’ll soon feel less stressed.

In Part One you’ll learn how to put into practice one of Noël’s highly effective strategies that will help you to radically reduce your children’s sibling squabbles.

Sibling Rivalry - Part Two

How to guide siblings to like each other more and squabble less so that everyone in the family can be calmer, easier and happier.

Following on from Part 1 (about the evolutionary causes of sibling rivalry), in this article (Part 2) Noël explains the environmental causes of sibling rivalry.

She gives clear insights into what you can and cannot achieve, and she explains another strategy that you can put into practice straightaway. We’re sure you'll love Noël’s highly effective strategy of Special Time to help you significantly reduce those annoying sibling squabbles.

Fostering self-reliance

The ability to deal successfully with everyday situations, whether these situations are familiar or new, is one of the main building blocks of a child’s confidence and self-esteem. Confidence is all about knowing you can handle challenges. It is the attitude of “I can do it!” or “I’ve never done this before, but I’ll give it a try!”...

Guiding Boys to Feel and Be Their Best Self: The Role of Fathers

In the following article, Noël explains the vital role that fathers play in bringing out the best in their sons, and how mothers can support fathers to step more fully into this important position in the family. She also addresses how fathers and mothers need to come together to function as a team, which can minimise tensions and enhance everyone’s enjoyment of family life.

Switching the Boy Brain on to Reading

(excerpt from "Calmer, Easier, Happier Boys" published 2015 by Hodder & Stoughton)

Why boys need to become readers
Parents and teachers need to move heaven and earth to help boys become skilled and regular readers.
Here’s why....

Helping your children to be their best and do their best this school year

Parents often ask me what they can do to help their children to enjoy school more and to get the most out of school. Here are ten top tips that many ‘Calmer, Easier, Happier’ parents have found useful. You can start putting these strategies into practice at any point during the school year, and they will make a significant difference.

Top Tips For Reading Aloud

(excerpt from “Calmer, Easier, Happier Homework” by Noël Janis-Norton)

Read to your child
Reading to our children is the most effective, as well as the easiest, quickest and most enjoyable, way to improve reading comprehension. Unless your child is a very skilled and confident reader, the books she is likely to choose to read for her own pleasure usually will not be particularly challenging. They will probably be within the comfort zone of words she can read without a struggle.....

Self-care for Parents

Just about every parenting book and every parenting article makes the point that we need to take care of our own emotional needs in order to be the parents we want to be. You may have heard this advice so many times already that it just feels like ‘Blah, blah, blah’, and your response may be a bored or disbelieving ‘Yeah, yeah…’

In this article, Noël will explain how to make good use of the best time of each day when you can focus
on your self-care.

Taking Care of Your Couple Relationship

In long-term couple relationships both partners tend to gradually narrow the range of the activities they do together, the topics they talk about together, and the ways they show affection for each other. Research tells us that they even narrow the range of the types of clothing they wear and the language they use. This is known as being ‘in a rut’...

Stress-busting tips for a ‘Calmer, Easier, Happier’ 2022

As has been the case with most parents, 2021 has probably increased the stresses on your family. The good news is that taking the time to learn and then put into practice some of Noël’s key parenting strategies can make family life significantly less stressful. And a ‘calmer, easier, happier’ home life will help you to be more resilient when it comes to dealing with whatever new challenges 2022 may bring.

Discover the strategies that Noël recommends for busting through your parenting stresses...

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