Helping to make life 'calmer, easier and happier' for parents, teachers and children everywhere

Topics for Parenting Talks

For parents of toddlers to teens

Calmer, Easier, Happier Screen Time:

Getting back in charge of the electronics in your home

Parents are increasingly worried about how much time children and teens spend in front of a screen. There are growing concerns about what sites they are visiting, what influences they are being exposed to, who they may be getting involved with, and what values they may be absorbing. In this talk parents can learn strategies for getting back in charge of their children’s and teens’ screen time.

Never Ask Twice:

The six-step method for achieving the habit of cooperation, without needing to nag or shout

Do you find that your children often ignore you, even though you repeat and remind? Following instructions is a habit, and good habits usually need to be taught. The six-step method is a technique which teaches your children and teens the habit of listening to you and doing what you ask. This method helps you get back in charge, and it shows your children that you mean what you say. By using the six-step method you can achieve cooperation while staying calm and positive.

Maximising Cooperation and Self-Esteem:

Positive communication strategies

Do you often feel that you need to shout, nag, threaten, criticise and lecture, just to get your children to do what you ask? In this talk, we discuss how you can communicate positively with your children and teens to improve their cooperation. By using these skills, you will also create a better atmosphere at home and enhance your children’s self-esteem.

Reducing Sibling Squabbles:

How to help your children argue less and enjoy each other more

Most brothers and sisters argue and fight sometimes. It would be unrealistic to expect them always to be happy in each other’s company. However, there is much we can do to make it easier for our children to get on better more and more of the time.

In this talk we share with you practical, tried and tested ways of helping siblings to squabble less, find their own solutions, and feel less competitive.

Calmer, Easier, Happier Boys:

What mothers and fathers can do

Many boys find life at home and at school more difficult than girls do. Boys often find it harder to sit still, to concentrate, and to understand other people’s feelings. Parents are very concerned about boys who seem glued to a screen. And parents and teachers often want to know how to help boys handle their frustrations and aggressive feelings more calmly and constructively.

Boys also have many positive qualities that they often don’t get credit for: e.g. loyalty, energy, single-minded enthusiasm and physical courage.

In this talk, we explore what boys need from their parents and from school, and how to help boys get these needs met. This will enable your son to achieve his potential and to blossom into a confident, motivated and considerate young man.

Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children:

Practical skills to help children deal more positively with their emotions

Children and teens are, by nature, immature; they have strong emotional reactions to what seem to us to be minor frustrations and upsets. Often they do not know how to handle their emotions. They may refuse to cooperate; they may cry, whinge, lash out or sulk.

We can guide our children and teens to understand their own emotions, to express themselves more maturely and to develop the willingness to focus on solutions.

Uncomfortable emotions more constructively and deal with irritations and conflicts before these become too much for them to handle.

Calmer, Easier, Happier Homework:

Making homework enjoyable and productive

Sadly, most children don’t enjoy doing homework. Sometimes it seems as if they’ll do anything to avoid homework. But it doesn’t have to be like this! Homework can be enjoyable and productive.

In this talk, we explore how to improve children’s cooperation and motivation and how to teach sensible homework and revision strategies. As children develop the habit of doing their best, they become more and more self-reliant. This leads to greater self-confidence, pride in achievement and a life-long love of learning.

Raising Girls:

Guiding our daughters to become all that they can be

Are you worried that your little girl seems to be growing up too fast? Are you concerned about peer pressure and friendship issues? Do you wish you knew how to help your daughter become more confident and self-reliant? In this talk we explore how mothers and fathers can help their daughters weather the storms of adolescence – which parents have noticed seems to be starting earlier and earlier!

Building Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem:

Enhancing confidence and competence

In this talk, we show you skills you can use to help your children and teenagers feel better about themselves, so that their confidence and motivation improve. We also discuss strategies for teaching children to become more independent. An “I can do it!” approach to solving their own problems is an important element in developing children’s self-esteem.

Resolving Family Conflicts:

Effective communication and problem-solving skills

Do your children tend to avoid doing what you ask, no matter how much you explain? Do they lack consideration for others and mostly just focus on what they want? Do they whinge and complain about minor difficulties, rather than looking for solutions? In this talk, we explore ways you can talk to your children or teens to reduce conflicts and to teach them how to think about win-win strategies. Your children will learn to see the bigger picture, to create their own solutions and to become more open to your suggestions.

Enhancing Self-Reliance and Common Sense:

Teach your children important life habits

Do you find that you need to keep repeating yourself just to get your children to dress themselves, start their homework or keep track of their belongings? In this talk we discuss how parents can help children develop good habits and learn to take more responsibility. As children and teens become more competent and self-reliant, their confidence and motivation increase.

Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD and other Learning Difficulties
How Parents and Teachers Can Help:

A demonstration video and discussion

Do you find yourself becoming frustrated, annoyed or puzzled when your child isn’t achieving his potential? This talk opens a window into the world of children who struggle with some aspects of schoolwork. We explore which strategies are effective for helping your child or teen improve skills and motivation, and which reactions are counter-productive. If you are a teacher or parent concerned about school success, then this talk is for you.

Learning at home:

How parents can help children develop an appetite for learning and challenge

Would you like your children to be more excited about their school work? Do you wish you knew better how to guide them to become more confident, motivated and keen to do their best? In this talk we discuss ways that parents can help children and teens develop enthusiasm as well as more mature “school success skills”.

Everyday Discipline That Works:

Prepare for success by creating consistent rules and routines for your family

We all want our children to behave well at home, at school and with their friends. We want them to ‘do the right thing’ and stay out of trouble, for our sakes as well as for theirs. In this talk we explore positive, practical ways of passing on to our children and teens the values, skills and habits that are important to us. We also explain how to make sure that rewards and consequences really work.

Raising Children and Teenagers in a Blended Family:

Overcoming obstacles and strengthening bonds

Nationally three out of five children are no longer growing up in a nuclear family. Parenting in a “blended family” is rapidly becoming the norm. Blended families present unique challenges. Parents want to help children cope more confidently with the changes brought about by divorce, separation and adoption. Children and parents have to adjust to new routines, rules, relationships, values and traditions. All family members need to learn how to express constructively the inevitable mixed emotions that accompany big changes. In this talk we discuss strategies for helping everyone to thrive in their new family.

Calmer, Easier Happier Teens and Pre-teens:

Raising respectful, responsible and confident adolescents

Do you find yourself reminding, lecturing or telling off because your teenagers are not using their initiative? Do your teens complain and blame, rather than thinking about solutions? Do they argue back, roll their eyes or talk to you disrespectfully?

Come and learn how you can bring out the best in your teens. Noel will demonstrate practical and effective strategies for improving communication, cooperation and self-reliance. This will reduce conflicts and teach your teens more mature problem-solving skills and self-control. Yes, it’s really true - your teenager can become more respectful, responsible and confident!

Bullying and Teasing:

What parents need to know and do

Almost half of all children and teens in the UK have been bullied in the past year – at school or online. Most parents don’t know how to help their children deal with bullying, teasing and excluding. And schools are often at a loss as well.

But it doesn’t have to be like this. There is something you can do. Come to this interactive talk to discover the strategies and social skills that can reduce bullying and enhance your child’s confidence.

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